Another two 10-Year Celebrations!

In August and September 2016 another two members of staff reached the 10 year mark with Micron2: Terry Beale and Alison Hickman.


terry-10-yearsTerry has been a brilliant all-round auditor for us taking in three BRC Standards including all categories of the Food Safety Standard plus bespoke audits. He has been one of the stalwarts who has always been available for us and helped us to maintain our aims of always being able to get audits done on time and provide great service. To quote one of our many satisfied clients: “Audit was carried out in a professional manner and all staff were made to feel comfortable during discussions and questions at all levels of the business. Thanks to Terry.”

We thank Terry for 10 good years.


Alison joined us back in 2006 as Alison Taylor and has become a vital member of our office team. The administration and management of BRC auditing has changed almost completely in that time and Alison has met all the changes we have thrown at her. She is a key person in ensuring that our deadlines are met and that auditors have all the documents they need and reports and certificates are issued on time -which is no small task!


Again we thank Alison for all her service over 10 good years and we look forward to more from both Alison and Terry.



Agents & Brokers in China

We have just carried out our first audit in China against the BRC Global Standard for Agents & Brokers!

This Standard continues to grow in importance and we will now be able to offer audits in China, Italy, North America and of course the UK.

For details please contact us at info@micron2.com


BRC Storage & Distribution Issue 3

The new issue of the BRC Storage & Distribution Standard is now with us. Published on the 1st August it will take effect from 1st February 2017.

The changes are relatively few compared to other years and other standards. Of most significance is the inclusion of a grading system. It is now the same as for the Food Safety Standard. There is now also the formal addition of an unannounced audit protocol.

You can get your free copy from the BRC Bookshop. Contact us at info@micron2.com if you have any questions.



The BRC have published their additional voluntary module (AVM) for the USA’s Food Safety Modernisation Act (FSMA). Any company manufacturing in the USA or exporting to the USA will need to establish for the FDA that they can meet the requirements of FSMA. The requirements of FSMA are largely focussed upon preventive principles.

The AVM produced by the BRC can be added to an Issue 7 BRC Food Safety audit and it is anticipated that this will help greatly with companies’ recognition by the FDA.


Market Drayton 10K

Once again James and I did the Drayton 10k run on Sunday May the 8th. It is reckoned to be the the best in the UK and this year had 2500+ entrants.

Anyway it was seriously hot but we both got round OK. This is how we looked afterwards!
