We have a BRCGS Approved Training Provider in our team and can offer a range of official BRCGS Courses.  We can also offer some in-house courses in the Micron2/STS Standards, HACCP and Internal Audit.
Courses can be conducted remotely or face to face and class sizes tailored on request.

See below for details.

The following BRCGS Courses are available with us:
Global Standard for Food Safety Lead Auditor
Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 9 Conversion
Global Standard for Storage & Distribution Issue 4 Conversion
Global Standard for Agents and Brokers Issue 3 Conversion
Global Standard for Gluten-Free Products
Global Standard for Plant-based Products
Environmental Monitoring
HARPC (Hazard and Risk-based Preventive Controls)
Internal Auditor
Vulnerability Assessment for Food Fraud
Risk Assessment
Root Cause Analysis
Validation and Verification

The following Micron2/STS Standard Courses are available:

Standard for Food Manufacturing Companies Issue 11
Standard for Storage & Distribution Companies Issue 11

Contact us for more information: info@micron2.com